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Madness Ends Page 8

  When Boone pulled his finger away, he held it up to her lips and she immediately sucked the digit into her mouth, swallowing the juices down. Boone’s eyes glittered with approval and he stood up to take off his own clothing. The black T-shirt hid his muscles, which rippled as the shirt came over his head. She admired his tattoos for a moment before he pushed his jeans off his hips and stood before her. His long cock curled upward, with pre-cum leaking steadily. Kaiya licked her lips, but he denied her the tasty treat. Instead, he lined up his cock with her pussy, circled her waist with his hands, and thrust into her.

  Even though she was soaked, his invasion took her breath away. Their gazes met, held, and he kept still until she adjusted to his girth. Then he leaned forward to cover her body with his and took one nipple gently between his teeth. Gabby did the same to her other nipple and Kaiya’s senses blew apart as she threw back her head and groaned at the sensation of having both breasts sucked at the same time by two different mouths. She ran a hand through Boone’s short hair and gripped the back of Gabby’s longer locks, pressing them both closer to her breasts. Gabby was slightly more aggressive, giving small love bites on her aching nipple with his teeth then soothing it with his tongue.

  Boone gyrated his hips, pulling out of her pussy only to ease back in slowly, almost as an afterthought as he lavished her nipple. Little by little, his speed increased until he pushed away and levered himself on his hands, which forced more of his cock deeper into her pussy. She gasped and could only hold on as he threw his head back, a magnificent beast ready to fuck her hard and deep. He bottomed out, his balls slapping against her as he hammered into her cunt. He pounded deep, causing the bed to bounce. Gabby had retreated from her breasts, but all she could focus on was Boone. Higher and higher, her body coiled until a finger pressed against her clit and she spiraled out of control, moaning, pushing, pulling, coming apart at the seams.

  Boone’s cock swelled, and he thrust one last time, burying all the way as his hot cum filled her. He rested his forehead on her shoulder, a slick coat of sweat covering him. Just as she was about to wrap her arms around him, he eased away. His cock slipped out of her, and a rush of juices poured out of her channel. Then she looked up as Gabby suddenly appeared. Kaiya didn’t know if she had it in her for a second, but when he pushed his big cock into her, Kaiya’s body lit up again. She hadn’t quite come down from her previous orgasm, so the sensation kept her hovering on the brink as Gabby drove his dick deeper and deeper. He wasn’t as finely finessed as Boone, but she adored his raw lovemaking. They rocked together, and she locked her legs tightly about his hips. Every thrust had him hitting her clit and it didn’t take long for another climax to rip through every fiber of her sweaty body. She cried out in bliss just as Gabby shuddered in his own completion. He thrust into her one last time as his cum shot out to mingle with the combination of her and Boone’s cream.

  His heart thumped heavily against her chest and just as she reached out to cuddle with him, he abruptly left her to walk into the bathroom. Her arms were cold and empty and all she could do was stare in confusion as he shut the door without once looking at her. Then Boone was there, lifting her up and striding through the connecting door. He laid her down on her own bed and smoothed a lock of hair off her cheek.

  “Why don’t you go shower?” he suggested.

  “What was that about?” she signed.

  Boone compressed lips into a straight line. “I need to take care of Gabby and then I’ll come back and spend the night with you.”

  “Why can’t both of you sleep with me?”

  Hesitation crossed his face. A secret, she thought. These two men didn’t trust her with their secrets. With a non-committal shake of his head, Boone left her and closed the door behind him. On autopilot, she rose and headed for her bathroom. Showering, as he’d suggested. After she’d dried and donned a sleeping shirt and panties, Kaiya climbed between the cool sheets of the bed, but couldn’t fall asleep. It was some time later that the door opened again and Boone came into the room. He stood for a moment over the bed, staring at her, so she didn’t pretend to be asleep. She turned over to look at him, holding out a hand to invite him next to her. Without a word, he disrobed and slid in next to her. He pulled her into his arms and she rested her head upon his muscled chest.

  Although she loved the intimacy, she couldn’t help but think there was something missing. Her gaze strayed to the closed, locked door that led to the other room.


  Chapter Ten

  Kaiya drifted out of sleep and slowly opened her eyes as she stretched her dormant muscles. She reached for Boone, but found herself alone in the bed and sat up quickly. The muted light filtering around the edge of the curtains suggested it wasn’t quite dawn. The connecting door stood open, so she rose and dressed in her sleep clothes before heading into the other room.

  Boone and Gabby sat at the table, tall cups of store-bought coffee rested in their hands. Since Boone had his back to her, she couldn’t read his lips, so she followed along the conversation with Gabby.

  “Not sure if she’ll go for it.” Gabby shook his head. “Hell, no. It’s your idea, so you have to execute it.” Gabby shrugged. “What I want is irrelevant. But I do want her safe, so if you want to send her back to Bair, I’ll stand by you.”

  She slapped the door, hard enough to make her palm throb. Both men turned, startled. Fiercely, she shook her head no.

  “You don’t understand, Kaiya,” Boone said. Shame blazed in his eyes. “We were ambushed, and when the shooting died down, Cipher ran from it. He’s still out there.”

  “And he’s not working alone,” Gabby added.

  She frowned and signed, “Who is he working with?”

  “We don’t know,” Boone said. “That’s why we want you to go home to Bair. We want you to be safe.”

  Kaiya rubbed her eyes. Yes, the smart thing would be to leave, let Boone and Gabby handle this task. But that would also mean giving up this road trip before it had even begun, and the need to live far outweighed the threat of danger. All she kept imagining was the smirk on her grandfather’s face that he was proven right, that she wasn’t ready to be in the real world. That she should be back behind the high walls of her family’s ancestral home. Looking at Gabby and Boone, they expected her to make the right choice. To agree. To leave. After all, she was always the sensible one. The demure one. The one who never put up a fight, or disagreed.

  God, she sounded pathetic, even to herself.

  Slowly, she shook her head. She couldn’t be that girl anymore, even if the decisions she made were the wrong ones. The area between Gabby’s eyes deepened as he frowned, but even under his obvious displeasure, she knew she couldn’t tuck her tail and run back home.

  “I understand the danger,” she signed. “But I am not going back to Bair.”

  “Cipher is desperate,” Gabby signed back. “And desperate men do unpredictable things.”

  She nodded, acknowledging that. “But I don’t know how unpredictable I can be. Don’t send me to hide, Gabby. You have no idea what it’s like to be trapped. Caged without knowing if you are going to live or die behind walls.”

  He recoiled as if slapped, and she blinked at his response. The emotions on his face blazed from white-hot anger to hatred, only to burn to shameful embers. The life bleached out of his honey-colored orbs before he rose and left. He didn’t look back as he opened the door and walked away. She didn’t hear the door slam, but she saw Boone wince slightly and knew Gabby was beyond pissed.

  Kaiya raised her hand, as if that would get him to stay, but Boone shook his head.

  “No,” he said as she read his lips. “Leave him be.”

  “What happened?” she signed.

  “Nothing, except the fact that you know nothing about him.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Get your things together. We’ll head to Omaha and we’ll decide there whether or not to send you home.”

  He turned to do his own packing, and she noticed
he grabbed his and Gabby’s saddlebags. She’d been dismissed—and it stung. In a span of a few minutes, she’d lost both of her men. Confused, she went back to her room and tried very hard not to hyperventilate with panic. She didn’t want what they had to end. Not now.

  Not ever.

  * * * *

  Gabby wished he’d grabbed the pack of cigarettes from the table because he really needed a nicotine fix. Smoking wasn’t something he normally indulged in since he’d quit a few years back, but every once in a while he needed the hard bite of nicotine flooding his system. Even the action of lighting one up was calming. There was something about drawing the smoke deep into his lungs that soothed him.

  Kaiya had no idea just how wrong she was. He knew very well the madness of being trapped in a cage. The fear. The stench. How hope felt when it died. The memories haunted him. Drove him to the point of insanity. During the day he could keep himself occupied, distracted, so he wouldn’t remember what he’d done to survive. Boone understood. His club Brother knew firsthand what ghosts lingered in his subconscious. There wasn’t another soul on Earth he trusted, although something inside told him that he could trust Kaiya. What was more, he wanted to include her in his life. Simple fucking wasn’t the same thing as sharing everything, and he’d reached that point where he wanted an old lady.

  But would she still want him once she learned what he’d done? Gabby looked at his hands. He’d stained with blood, and not the blood from those who actually deserved to die. No, his shame came from the death of innocent men.

  The door to the room opened, and he glanced over to see Boone carrying both saddlebags. He reached for his and nodded his thanks.

  “We’ll be heading out in a few minutes,” Boone murmured.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “It’s only going to take us about an hour to get to Omaha. Figured we’ll eat when we hit the city limits.”


  “Going to be monosyllabic now?”


  Boone snorted. “She didn’t know what she was saying.”

  “Yeah.” He sighed. “I want to tell her.”

  Boone frowned. “Everything?”

  Gabby nodded. “I think we could build a life with her.”

  “Me too,” Boone said softly. “She’s a good woman. Smart. Sexy. Compassionate. She’d understand, Gordon.”

  “I hate it when you use my real name.”

  “I use your real name when you need reminding that what happened then doesn’t define who you are now.”

  Gabby rubbed the back of his neck and gave a one-shoulder shrug. He may pretend like he didn’t care, but Boone saw through his tough-guy act. The care and acceptance pouring from him was almost enough to bring tears in his eyes. Luckily, he was saved from showing too much emotion when the second door opened, and Kaiya emerged, wearing her brand new leather jacket. He smelled the leather aroma all the way to his bike.

  She smiled tentatively at them, and Gabby’s heart thumped excitedly in his chest. She may have stated some things without thought, but he’d never hold that against her. Kaiya had no clue to his military history and he needed to tell her about it if they were to have a future together. He’d never had such a lingering reaction to a woman, and it was more than just the fantastic sex. There was something about her that called to him on a primitive level. He wanted to protect her. Love her. Give her everything she wanted.

  “Come on,” Boone said, though he faced her so she could read his lips. “We’ll have breakfast in Omaha.”

  Chapter Eleven

  It only took an hour to reach Omaha, and by the time they stopped at a diner for breakfast, the sun had defeated the lingering chill of the night air. Boone took hold of Kaiya’s hand as they made their way into the cozy warmth of the small restaurant, where the smell of eggs, bacon and coffee had her belly rumbling. She kept looking toward Gabby, but either he couldn’t hear the mental S.O.S. she threw his way, or he was avoiding her.

  They sat in a booth with Boone sliding in next to her while Gabby sat across. The waitress smiled in greeting, but the tired lines around her eyes hinted she’d been working too many long hours.

  “Howdy, folks,” she said, setting down three small glasses of water. “My name is Wanda. What’s your poison?”

  “Definitely coffee,” Boone replied. “For all three of us.”

  She winked at him. “Coming right up. Menus are behind the napkin holder.”

  Kaiya grabbed one and grimaced as her fingers encountered a sticky mess on one side. She wiped her fingers, using the water from the glass to help clean them. By the time Wanda came back with three coffees and a bowl of creamers, Kaiya decided against the pancakes. One sticky go-round a day was enough.

  They ordered their meals, and Wanda hurried away, sticking the ticket on the rotating cylinder in the kitchen window before moving onto the next table. Gabby and Boone both took their coffee black, but she added creamer after creamer, until the liquid was flush against the rim of her mug. Then she bent over to sip it without moving, because one jolt would have the sloshed brew all over the counter top.

  Kaiya placed all the empty creamer containers back into the little dish, and when she looked at them, pleased with how diluted her coffee was, it was to encounter their shocked gazes. She pursed her lips and reached into her backpack for a pen and notebook.

  “I don’t like the bitter aftertaste of coffee, so I put a little cream in it.”

  “A little?” Gabby asked once he read her note. A smirk lingered at the corners of his mouth. “I think you just drained a whole cow dry.”

  The waitress returned with her arms loaded with plates and delivered the food with a flourish only years of experience could produce. They ate without fanfare, not looking at one another as they shoveled food into their mouths. Kaiya personally thought the food had tasted better at the diner where they’d had their first date, but it was hard to screw up bacon and eggs so she simply added more salt. When they were done, Boone waved to get her attention.

  “I think we should go to the bus depot now and grab the contents of the locker.”

  “Why?” she wrote.

  “Throw Cipher and his partner off guard.” Boone finished his coffee.

  Kaiya wrote quickly and held up her note. “Then I should get it. They’ll be expecting two bikers, but not a woman.”

  “Cipher knows what you look like,” Gabby replied.

  She shrugged. “I can put on sunglasses to hide that I’m Japanese.”

  Boone shook his head. “It’s too dangerous.”

  Anger threatened to flare again, but she took a deep, calming breath. Boone was the V.P. of a motorcycle club. He was used to giving orders, not taking them. It was time she learned how to maneuver around his decisions.

  “It’s easy to be in and out in five minutes,” she wrote. “If Cipher is watching, I can quickly slip by, grab the contents in the locker and be gone before he or they realize what has happened.”

  “Kaiya, we wouldn’t be inside the station to protect you.”

  “I can protect myself.” When she saw that fact hadn’t sold him, she pressed on. “Please don’t think I’m incapable just because I’m deaf.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve never once thought you incapable, Kaiya.”

  “Ever since my abduction, I’ve only made myself stronger,” she wrote. “I know how to shoot, how to fight. I can be an asset to you.”

  He covered her pen, halting her words. She thought he was going to dismiss her like everyone else, but instead, he nodded. A huge smile graced her face, but he held up a finger.

  “You will have ten minutes and you go in armed. All right?”

  She nodded, acquiescing. Every piece of freedom or adventure she could grasp only made her wings spread a little wider. Luckily, Boone and Gabby finally seemed to understand that she didn’t need coddling. They stood, and Boone went to pay for their meal before they headed out.

  As Kaiya slipped on her
helmet, she saw two bikers across the street watching them. One held a cigarette, and a plume of smoke curled upward only to disappear into the cool breeze. She tapped Boone’s shoulder and nonchalantly nodded toward them. Boone tensed, letting her know he’d spotted them. The two bikers didn’t move, only sat there observing as they mounted and rode off. Omaha was a beautiful city, thriving with new construction and the hustle and bustle of a metropolis. They headed out of the downtown area into the less developed neighborhood until they came to the busy bus station.

  The depot was a lot larger than Lincoln’s, taking up the whole block. People rushed in and out of the doors, activity swimming all around the place. Boone and Gabby parked and Kaiya got off the back, her heart pumping with adrenaline.

  “Who were those bikers?” she signed.

  “Don’t know,” Boone said as he took her helmet from her. “They wore patches on their cuts, but I couldn’t tell which club. The local MC in Omaha is the Whiskey Knights. Could’ve been them just making sure we don’t trip over any toes.”

  Boone pulled her in close and took out one of his guns from his shoulder holsters to slip into her jacket pocket. The thing barely fit, so she had to wrap her hand around the handle.

  “Are you okay with the gun?” he asked.

  She read his lips and nodded.

  “You know how to use it?” he asked again.

  “Yes,” she mouthed.

  He nodded and eased back. Gabby stepped forward and handed her the locker key. She wished they no longer had the awkward tension between them and she vowed to fix it when this was over.

  “Number twenty-six,” Gabby said.