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Madness Ends Page 6
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Page 6
“Bratty girls get spanked,” he said.
Although it was supposed to be a threat, she went from pissed-off to aroused in a nano-second. Gabby didn’t give her much time to think about the implication of his words because in the next second, he sat in her own chair and had her bent over. He wrapped one leg around hers, locking her in place, while he caressed one big beefy hand over her ass cheeks. Kaiya struggled, although it was half-hearted at best. No way could he possibly mean to spank her. She’d always imagined spanking came with sexual play, not actually used for punishment. And yet he pulled his hand away then brought it down a second later, smacking her hard across one butt cheek. Not censoring her voice, she cried out. Again, he spanked her and again, she yelled, beyond pissed. Yet with each crack of his hand, the pain was sharp, brief and began to migrate straight to her clit. She’d forgotten to count but it wasn’t long before she calmed to actually look forward to the next, drifting in a sort of euphoric haze. In fact, she didn’t even protest when he stopped and draped her over her desk. All she knew was that her pussy was dripping, her ass was on fire, and a sense of peace had segued through her brain.
Slowly, Gabby stripped her of her pants, followed by her panties, and still she simply lay on the desk, trying to gather her scattered wits. He sat in the chair and ran his hands up and down her thighs, settling on her still-smarting cheeks. He separated them and cool air rushed over her anus, causing her to shudder and rouse her a little more from her stupor. He ran his tongue over her rosette and a new thrill shot through her languid body. Gabby eased the tip up and down the puckered flesh then dipped into her heated channel. Kaiya had already been creaming her panties from the spanking, but the stimulation against the nerve endings had the juices flowing like a sieve. And when he reached around her hips to find her clit, it was too much to bear and she convulsed with a spine-tingling orgasm.
Gabby caressed her through her climax until tiny little shivers rolled through her, then he pulled away. She vaguely heard the zipper go down on his jeans but there was no confusing when he nudged her legs open farther and settled between her splayed thighs. He brushed his cock teasingly through her slit, and she wiggled her hips impatiently. With a mighty shove, he plunged into her. Kaiya emitted a tiny shriek as his cock buried into her, the force sending her forward on the desk. He held still for a moment, letting her adjust to his length and girth. He was big, like Boone, but she was so wet that the discomfort immediately melted away.
Gabby pumped in shallow little thrusts at first, but quickly gave way to something deeper and harder. She wished she could hear the sounds, especially all the noises from him, and once again, she cursed her deafness. In and out, he pushed, gaining in speed until he was pounding her pussy like a madman. Then out of nowhere, he slapped her ass. Not as hard as the punishment had been, but still, her already sensitive cheek lit up like a live wire had touched it. She yelped and bucked, but rubbed his fingers over her swollen clit, calming her. He tortured her like this over and over. First a spank then a rub, spiraling her higher and higher until the dam burst. Kaiya cried out as her orgasm took over, her whole body shaking as he fucked her with all ten inches crammed into her tight pussy.
With one last thrust, Gabby erupted deep within her cunt. Shot after shot of hot cum bathed her, filling her until he collapsed forward over her back, holding her hips. The man had stamina, ejaculating the last bit of his cum deep into her as he kissed the back of her neck. Her heart beat frantically as she gulped in air. Finally, Gabby pulled from her, his cock slipping out of her body. Fluid gushed down her thighs but she was too sated to do much about it. Gabby knelt behind her and began cleaning her with a cloth and when she looked, she saw it was his T-shirt. His bare chest gleamed with sweat, making his tats stand out against his tanned skin. Excitement flared to life even though her body still quivered from the amazing orgasms he’d given her.
Gabby smiled and winked, and she had to wonder if she shouldn’t be bratty more often.
Chapter Seven
The dimness of the dingy and depressing bar encompassed him, matching his attitude to a tee. Cipher stared into the amber glass of his beer bottle as if he could glean all of life’s mysteries from its bottomless depths. Desperation made his stomach roll sickeningly. The warm beer did not help the matter at all.
“That was a bold move you made today.”
He looked at the man sitting next to him—tall, big, mean looking. The blackness of his eyes held a dark, soulless reflection, and a shiver raced across Cipher’s skin. He knew, without a doubt, that evil lived inside this man.
“I was watching them, which means I’ve been watching you.” The man gave a chuckle devoid of amusement. “You must have titanium balls sitting out in the open where any of those fuckers can find you.”
“Leave me the fuck alone,” Cipher muttered. The guy was giving him the creeps.
“You know, I thought Boone and that big silent guy were lovers.”
That caught his attention. “You mean Gabby?”
“That his name?” The man pulled a cigarette out of a pack and lit it with a silver lighter. He took a long drag before exhaling the smoke. It encircled his head like a misty halo. “And then this little Jap girl comes along and suddenly both men are fucking her. What got you so fired up that you attacked their woman?”
Cipher shook his head. “Who in the hell are you?”
The man took another deep hit before grinding the cigarette out. “The name’s Vicious. From your actions today, I believe we have a mutual enemy.”
No way in hell did Cipher want to talk to the man, but anger stirred deep inside his core. The bitter taste of hatred burned the back of his throat. “You mean the Men of Hell?”
“I meant their fucking V.P. Boone Tempest.”
Just hearing the man’s name had him squeezing his hand into a fist, ready to let his anger fly. Boone had been the one to stuff a bandana in his mouth when his cries of being tortured had become too loud. He really wished the asshole were in front of him so he could punch the ever-living shit out of the man.
“Why’d you go after the bitch?” Vicious asked again.
Maybe it was the need to expunge the fury that ate at him like cancer. Maybe it was the fact that Vicious’ deadly eyes offered retribution. Suddenly, he wanted to do everything possible to hurt the men who had hurt him. He turned toward Vicious. “There are three lockers with money in them and she has the keys. I really need my property back.”
Vicious turned eerily still, as if his skin had turned to marble. His face held a blank expression and Cipher had the uneasy feeling that the man was staring into his soul, devouring it slowly.
“I think we can help each other,” Vicious said calmly.
“All I want is my goddamn money,” Cipher muttered.
“Really? That’s all you want?”
And before Cipher knew what was happening, Vicious slapped him on the back, directly on his right shoulder blade. It had been almost two months since Romeo had sliced his tattoo off and he was still healing from the fucking skinning. Regrowing skin took a long fucking time. Agony ripped through him and he couldn’t stop the cry that escaped his mouth.
Vicious frowned and stood to pull back the leather jacket Cipher wore. If he weren’t in such fucking pain, he’d push the asshole away, but as it was, he was trying his damnedest not to pass out.
“What the fuck?” Vicious asked. “You’re bleeding.”
“They took my tat.”
Vicious let him go and sat back down. Cipher downed the rest of his beer, not caring in the least that it was room temperature. He desperately needed alcohol now to dull the fire licking through his wound.
“They fucking made you bleed?” Vicious asked. “Don’t you want to hurt them the same way? Slice off a piece of them where it hurts most?”
All his simmering resentment suddenly burst forward, and Cipher pounded his fist on the scarred bar top. “I want to fucking rip them apart.”
Vicious’ mou
th curled into a satisfied smirk, the thin veneer of civility ripped away. Malice glinted in his dark eyes, and Cipher was surprised acid didn’t drip from the canines peeking from beneath his lips.
“So we’ll start with Boone. And get your fucking money.”
* * * *
As Kaiya suspected, Chloe was all over the place, signing with angry points and jabs. When the words rambled together, Kaiya simply read her lips. Chloe could rival a soldier’s vocabulary when having a very bad day.
“This is fucking stupid!” she ranted. “Most fucking insane thing I’ve ever heard of. Of course you can’t go on a fucking bike ride to Canada. That’s like…millions of miles away. You’ll get hurt. You’ll fall off. You’ll break your ass!”
“I’m not going to break my ass,” Kaiya signed back. “And it’s only six hundred miles. The circumference of the Earth is less than twenty-five thousand miles. To go millions of miles I’d have to get a rocket ship—”
Chloe waved her hands in agitation. “So not the fucking point!”
Kaiya turned her head to hide her smile. Chloe continued her curse-word-laden tirade while Boone and Gabby watched her impassively with their arms folded across their chests. Kaiya gave them apologetic glances, but they just shrugged. Obviously, they were aware of how Chloe could work herself up. Finally, out of desperation, she grabbed hold of her cousin’s head and brought their foreheads together. Chloe covered her hands and they stood like that for a long time, until their breathing synchronized and her cousin had calmed. It was an old trick she used to do whenever her outbursts got a little too wild. Chloe wasn’t a bad person, but her past had definitely messed her up.
“I’m going to be fine,” she whispered in Chloe’s ear. At least, she hoped it was a whisper. It was difficult to remember what the volume was for a whisper. When Chloe didn’t pull away or cringe at the sharp pitch, Kaiya relaxed.
Chloe nodded, not answering. She didn’t need to. Kaiya knew her cousin well. She might have a temper and might act before thinking, but she loved with her whole heart, and when something moved out of her control, she lashed out. Throughout her stay in the psychiatric hospitals, only Kaiya had been able to calm her.
They stayed like that for some time, until Chloe pulled back to stare her into her eyes. A small, sad smile lingered on her lips.
“When did you grow up?” Chloe asked.
Kaiya snorted and dropped her hands to step back. “I’m only four years younger than you.”
“So?” Chloe signed. “You’re still a baby.”
“I’m a woman. And these two big men are mine. Okay?”
Chloe rolled her eyes but nodded. Blowing her a kiss, Kaiya headed over to her men. She wore jeans and a button-down. A far cry from the silk she’d worn the first time she rode a bike, but even slipping on the leather jacket and helmet Boone and Gabby had provided her, she had a funny feeling she still looked out of place. She gave herself a mental shrug. Didn’t really matter. Going on this run with her two men meant a lot because it represented a step toward being truly free.
Chloe walked up to them, put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “You hurt her in any way, shape or form, and I will personally dissect your balls. You know I can do it. Without anesthesia. Maybe just a paralytic so you can feel your scrotum being cut in half.”
Kaiya didn’t hear what they said, but after that vivid description, she was sure it was promise after promise of them being on their best behavior. Chloe pursed her lips and folded her arms, but her cousin didn’t protest anymore.
She would be taking turns sitting behind each man, but the first part of the journey to Lincoln she mounted the bike behind Boone. Wrapping her arms around him, excitement gripped her. As she gave a wave to Chloe, she couldn’t help the silly grin plastered on her face.
Chapter Eight
They arrived in Lincoln almost three hours later, and by then Kaiya couldn’t feel her ass or her legs, and her hands were a little shaky. As she dismounted, Boone held onto her while Gabby registered them at the small motel they’d stopped at. It was the kind of place where all the units were ground level, extending on either side from the office, and the cleanliness factor was definitely suspect.
“It won’t have bugs, will it?” she signed tentatively.
Boone shook his head. “Nah. The Men of Hell own this place. It may not look like much on the outside, but it’s clean and comfortable.”
That startled her. “I don’t remember seeing revenue from a motel on the books.”
“It’s owned by the mother chapter, not the Bair one. There are a whole slew of places like this throughout Nebraska.”
Gabby strode back to them and held out a key to her. Kaiya accepted it, confused when he kept another one for himself. She still didn’t understand why he wouldn’t stay the night with her. Did it mean Boone wouldn’t sleep with her either? Their rooms were located on the end, right next to each other with a connecting door between them, which gave her a small dose of consolation. Perhaps each man just wanted his space. Perhaps…she was just a convenient fuck.
That hurt—a lot. Even though she was pragmatic and knew they were simply having some fun, she was afraid her heart had already begun a decent into something deeper. She went to her room, and the men went to theirs. She sighed, wondering if this was how it was always going to be—with a door dividing them. Being on a bike didn’t allow for a suitcase so she could only bring necessities in a backpack, which meant there wasn’t much to unpack. Moments later, a knock came from the divider, and she opened the door to reveal Boone holding up his phone. He had taken off his Men of Hell jacket and stood in a plain black T-shirt and black jeans. Thinking about what those jeans contained made her salivate for a lick.
“I just ordered a pizza,” he said.
She read his lips and nodded, forcing her mind out of the gutter.
He gestured for her to follow him into a room identical to hers, down to the same ugly comforter on each of the beds. Gabby lay on the one farthest from their connecting door, looking utterly relaxed with his ankles crossed and an arm was thrown over his eyes.
“Is he okay?” she signed to Boone.
Boone nodded. “Tired,” he signed back.
He turned on the television, and a news channel came up. She was able to follow along while the anchor presented the facts, but once it cut away to a featured story, she was lost. Boone, however, threw the remote on the bed and pulled her into his arms. She rested her head on his chest, wishing she could hear his heart thumping, but settling for feeling the vibration pound through his torso. They stayed like that for a while, until he pulled back to answer the knock she hadn’t heard. She watched him pay for the large pizza and a two-liter soda before shutting and locking the door. He set the food on the circular table, called out to Gabby and gestured for her to sit. Gabby joined them and they dug into the big, gooey pizza.
She ate, not bothering to pay attention to the two men. Her life had consisted of solitary meals, starting back when her parents had been too scared to do anything else in case they hurt her. They would’ve wrapped her up in a bubble room if they’d had their way. When they died in a car accident, she had thought she’d live with her aunt and uncle, Chloe’s parents, until she learned how volatile that situation had been. Her grandfather had taken over raising her, and she’d had a bevy of servants to meet her every need, including her schooling. Numbers had always been easy to her, so she’d gravitated toward being an accountant with the thought of working in her grandfather’s business someday.
That dream had been nixed the day she’d been kidnapped. When she’d returned to her grandfather’s side, he had sent her to Japan where she’d had to learn sign language all over again. Japanese sign language was different from its American counterpart, derived from the complex kanji writing system as well as finger spelling. Life hadn’t been exactly fair to her, but she’d never moaned or complained because her grandfather had been confused about what to do with her. He’d done his best
to raise her within the confines of what he knew. But now, having tasted the freedom of doing what she wanted, of potentially having a permanent home without safety walls, was a high she never wanted to end. Now she knew exactly how addicts felt.
Gabby tapped her hand. Startled, she dragged her mind away from the past and glanced at him. While she’d eaten only a slice, they’d managed to demolish the rest of the pizza.
“We’re going to the locker,” Gabby signed. “You stay here.”
It took her a moment to process the fact that she wasn’t included. “No. I want to come with you to the bus terminal.”
“It’s too dangerous,” Boone said.
Once again, someone was deciding what was best for her. Anger lanced through her, and she rose so abruptly that her chair tilted a little. “You do not get to decide what’s too dangerous for me!”
“Sit,” Gabby ordered.
She shook her head mutinously. “Do not tell me what to do.”
“Then don’t act like a child!” Gabby signed.
By the set slash of his mouth and the darkening of his eyes, it was obvious that he was pissed. Why, she hadn’t a clue, but Kaiya also didn’t care that he didn’t like her attitude. She wasn’t their prisoner. She could make her own decisions.
“I discovered those keys. I should be the one to find out what’s in the locker,” she signed.
Boone and Gabby shared a quick look. She braced for what they were going to say next.
“Cipher’s attack on you was desperate,” Boone said.
She nodded, agreeing with that statement. “If he was willing to go after you, knowing Gabby and I were only steps away, he’ll have no compunction about doing something worse in order to save whatever is in that locker.”