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Page 12

  “We were prisoners of war,” he said, staring directly at her so she could read his lips as well as the emotions flittering over his face. “Young kids back then, although we thought we were all grown up. I was big, even then, the biggest in my platoon, so it gave the insurgents the great idea of pitting me against fellow soldiers. Bloody battles I wanted no part of. I didn’t want to fight them, but when they shot a few in front of me, well, I figured a few bruises were better than being dead.”

  Kaiya’s breath hitched in her chest. Gabby’s eyes were flat, emotionless.

  “Eventually, they got tired of the sport.” He took a deep breath. “An air raid took out one of their camps. They were beyond pissed. Decided their point could be made better with a bunch of dead soldiers than live ones.”

  Her gaze darted toward Boone, but his was fixed into space, as if he were reliving that time as Gabby told the story. She took hold of Gabby’s hand.

  “They had captured two reporters,” he said. “Young, stupid college graduates trying to make a name for themselves. They had no business being in that country. Being on the front lines.” He swallowed thickly. “The insurgents put us on a firing line. I… We were going to die, so I had nothing to lose.”

  “What did you do?” she asked, remembering how to form her mouth for the words.

  “I charged the guards. They fought back.” He touched the scar on his face. “Eventually, I got hold of a gun and I killed most of them before someone threw a grenade. It landed near Boone.”

  Boone stepped forward. “He tackled me. Protected me. The grenade went off and Gabby got the brunt of the impact. Destroyed his hearing.”

  Gabby gave her a wry smile. “Worked out, I suppose. For a while, I thought I had lost hearing in both ears, so I learned sign language. Eventually, the swelling went down and I got one ear back.”

  Kaiya raised a hand and brushed her fingers down the scar on his face then over to his bad ear. He shied away, but she wouldn’t let him pull too far back. She didn’t want him to hide who he was anymore. For a long while, he held her. No sexual overtures, no heavy emotions. He simply drew strength from her body, and she freely gave it. Gradually, the hand on her lower back traveled downward until he gripped an ass cheek. He ground his pelvis into hers, and his hard cock pushed into her soft belly.

  Kaiya took the initiative and kissed him, claiming his lips passionately and not letting him retreat any farther. She demanded his submission, and he stiffened against her. She knew he knew she wanted his surrender—to her, to this relationship, to who he really was. A moment later, he gave it, although he turned the tables on her and swept her up in a tight embrace.

  He laid her on the bed and loomed over her, tasting of the bitter swill of whiskey from the night before. It should have grossed her out, but it didn’t, and his frenetic need for her wiped everything else away. The side of the bed dipped as Boone joined them, and she broke the kiss on a gasp to turn toward him. He’d only been wearing a towel and untied it to let his cock spring forward. She reached for his dick, and he thrust his hips forward to allow her to swallow him down. She knew this wasn’t going to be slow lovemaking, or even romantic. Gabby’s reaction—hell, her own desire—simmered too close to the top. It was always like this between them, though. Last night her body had gone up in flames for Boone, but today, Gabby revved her engine.

  Gabby pulled at her shirt, and she helped him as much as possible without breaking her lip lock around Boone’s cock. Impatiently, he pushed her T-shirt up around her neck and ripped apart her bra. He cupped her breasts, filling his palms with their slight weight and teasing the nipples all over again. She thrust her chest out, wanting more, and Gabby leaned over her, nipping and licking all the way down, until he knelt between her thighs. He unzipped her pants and pulled them down, exposing her inch by inch to his gaze. Boone spread his fingers into her hair to keep her still while he fucked her face with his dick, but that didn’t stop Gabby from wanting to eat her pussy. Like her bra, he tore off her thong and went down on her. He licked his way up and down her slit, over and over, until she thought she would go out of her mind. Her juices flowed, and he lapped them up, taking his sweet old time. Then he found the spot that cried for attention, the little bundle of nerves hidden within a hood, and sucked it into the hot vortex of his mouth while he pressed his fingers inward.

  He bent one finger, rubbing along the back wall of her pussy while he continued to suck on her clit. White-hot fire roared through her as she went up in flames. She gasped around the big cock in her mouth, and a shudder tore through Boone’s body. Abruptly, both men pulled away, and she was left lying spread eagle feeling empty and bereft until Boone hauled her up onto her hands and knees. Now, she had Gabby’s big dick in her face and Boone caressing the globes of her ass.

  Boone spread her legs wide and kissed her inner thighs, working his way up until he latched onto her pussy from behind. She arched in pleasure as he swept his tongue into her channel to lick up and down. He found her clit and rubbed it gently in circles, and just when she thought it couldn’t feel any better, he withdrew his mouth. Before she realized what he was doing, he found her rosette and began to lick around the puckered sphincter. A riot of feelings burst within her, embarrassment at first soon gave way to pleasure, and she was unprepared for the way her body surged with desire. Moving close behind her, he ran a single finger around her asshole. The movement tickled, but felt deliciously sordid, and when he pushed his finger inward, Kaiya relaxed enough to allow entry. The intrusion made her whole body shudder, then Gabby was probing her mouth with the tip of his cock, taking her mind away from what Boone was doing. She opened her lips and Gabby surged in, immediately setting up a rhythm. She clamped her lips around the shaft and hollowed out her cheeks.

  Then Boone withdrew, and something wet and cold dripped over her anus. Lube, she realized a second before the blunt tip of Boone’s cockhead pressed against her. She did her best to relax, remembering all the stuff she’d read about the backdoor breech, as well as the porn she loved to watch. Nothing prepared her for the assault, however, and that’s exactly how it felt for a few good minutes as Boone seesawed his way in. Although he did take it slowly and carefully, giving only an inch before backing out, it still burned like hell each time he slid forward.

  Breathing deeply through her nose, Kaiya had just reached the conclusion that she didn’t much care for anal sex, until Boone suddenly decided to drive hard, sinking his substantial cock right up to the hilt. She gasped, and tears rose to her eyes. A burning pain shot through her, but the discomfort was accompanied by the most exquisite sensation of fullness and friction she’d ever felt in her life. Boone held her hips, swiveled, and suddenly pleasure flushed over her whole body. She gasped as he found her clit with his fingers, stroking it vigorously while his dick caressed the inside of her back passage.

  Why the hell have I not tried this before?

  Pain and pleasure sent her head spinning. She sucked the cock in her mouth harder, and Gabby suddenly pulled out of her mouth. He grabbed his dick, pumped and sprayed all over her tits that bounced with the force of Boone pumping into her ass. Hot cum covered her chest, dripped off her pebbled nipples. A huge wave of sexual electricity unleashed through her whole body, and she came so hard stars bloomed behind her eyes. Clutching her hips in a vise-like grip, Boone ejaculated deep inside her ass.

  After a moment, he pulled out and fell onto the bed, dragging her down to his side. She was sweating, panting, and covered in cum—and loved every sticky inch of it. Gabby crawled on the bed and flopped onto his back. She smoothed a hand over the hairs on his chest and traced the tattoos decorating his flesh. He turned his head and they stared at each another.

  “You are the strongest man I know,” she said.

  But he only looked away, avoiding her gaze, and unease unfurled within her as if a ghost had just walked across her grave.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Are they there now?”

  Lisa stared
down from the bedroom window at the two men, Gabby and Boone, and the woman, Kaiya. She honestly didn’t know what the two big handsome men saw in that skinny bitch. Sure, she looked hot when she’d climaxed last night, but the girl was weak. Anyone could see that. Two men like Gabby and Boone needed someone tough enough to be an old lady, able to handle all the bitches who threw their pussies at them in hopes they’d be the ones to take the place in their beds. There’d been many cunts she’d had to beat the shit out of in order to hold onto Stone Cold. He may be old as fuck, but he was the president and damned if she would let him go until she was ready.

  “Yes,” she said, answering her lover’s question. “I’m staring at them right now. They’re securing their saddlebags, getting ready to head toward Sioux City.”

  “And Stone Cold is friendly with them?”

  “He is and he isn’t,” she said dismissively. “You know any angle he can find, he’s going to exploit.”

  “Yeah. He tried working that angle on me.”

  “Is that why you left so suddenly?”

  “You know why I left,” he said quietly.

  “Yes,” she replied. “Although I didn’t like you leaving me.”

  “I had to.” He sighed. “There wasn’t room for me with the Whiskey Knights. What can you tell me about them?”

  Lisa snapped her attention back to the three visitors getting readying themselves to leave. “The bitch is deaf.”

  “You sure?”

  “Positive. Sign language and everything.”

  “Well, that makes her slightly more interesting.”

  “Hey, now,” Lisa snapped. She’d invested too much time and energy for her lover to have interest in some other cunt. “I’ll end the bitch right now.”

  “Don’t be jealous. I simply meant she’s not that much of a looker, so now I understand what makes those two assholes want to protect her.”

  “She is quite homely,” Lisa replied, sniffing disdainfully. “No tits, no ass.”

  “I’m sure she lies there and fucks like a board.”

  She chuckled. “No doubt. So when am I supposed to meet up with you? This waiting around is annoying.”

  Lisa tapped her nails against the ledge as the inertia of biding her time surged inside her like an insidious vine, strangling her. Every day she remained was one more night of fucking the old man.

  “I’ll let you know. Right now, I need them to get that fucking locker open. The promise of money can’t be overlooked.”

  “I know. I want the fucking money. Why don’t you just force it open?” she asked. “Are you an outlaw or aren’t you?”

  “Don’t fucking insult me, Lisa.”

  “I’m sorry, baby, but I have to put up with that old cock fucking me every night.”

  “You don’t have to stay with him, you know. You’re a smart woman. A gifted woman.”

  She sighed. “And I’m all yours. I miss you.”

  “Miss you too, sweetheart. But we’re almost home free, ready to fly away with our investment to live like kings.”

  “So get the locker open now,” she whined.

  “The bus depot is in the decent part of the fucking town. The police station is across the street. Besides, there needs to be a reckoning with those two goddamn assholes. They took away something important to me, something I loved, so I’m going to fucking take from them.”

  Lisa eyed Kaiya again as Boone ran a loving finger down her cheek. Hateful jealousy tore through her. She wanted what the deaf girl had. Her lover might not be as handsome as Boone, but at least he’d eventually have the cash to keep her in love with him. “The girl.”

  “She’s one thing. Maybe the main thing. An eye for an eye. Is she fucking them both?”

  “I don’t know,” Lisa admitted. “She’s only been with Boone as far as I can tell.”

  “That’s good enough for me. It’s time that man learns what it feels like to lose something he loves.”

  “Then we’ll be together?”

  “Yes, sweetheart. I’ll text you when to meet me so we can get the fuck out of here.”

  “With the cash, right?” she demanded. Otherwise, she wasn’t going anywhere without the security of liquid cash flow.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll be swimming in more money than you know what to do with for the rest of your life.”

  Lisa smiled at the promise in his voice. Being an old lady—the head old lady—certainly had its perks, but the thought of a younger dick and more money than she knew what to do with had her pussy wet with longing. Stone Cold walked up to Boone ready, no doubt, to say goodbye. She flicked a dismissive glance over the old man from head to toe as she disconnected the call. A girl could only stand so much shriveled cock in her lifetime.

  * * * *

  “I suppose I should thank you for your hospitality,” Boone said to Stone Cold as he secured the saddlebags in preparation for their ride to Sioux City.

  “It’s generally the polite thing to do.”

  Boone snorted. “I’m not a very polite man. And you basically railroaded us.”

  Stone Cold shrugged. “You say tomato, I say toe-mah-toe.”

  “The ending of that little song is let’s call the whole thing off,” Boone said. He held Stone Cold’s gaze until the other man chuckled.

  “You never give an inch, do you?”

  “No,” Boone replied. “Like I said, I’ll talk to Romeo for a sit down, but I won’t guarantee anything.”

  Stone Cold held out his hand, and Boone hesitated in taking it. The feeling that something else was going on hit him again, and the questions that plagued him earlier returned in full force. He grabbed the man’s hand and pulled him close to murmur in his ear.

  “How did you know so much about the Men of Hell?”

  Stone Cold jerked back, and their gazes clashed—held. A power play erupted but Boone refused to back down. This wasn’t his president or his club, and he didn’t give a shit about protocol.

  “Watch who you’re talking to, boy.”

  “Old men like you must be getting senile if you think I give a fuck about who you are,” Boone taunted. He glanced around at the Whiskey Knights who eyed him coldly, ready to jump in and defend their leader if need be. “My club was under attack from one of your men. If you want to stick to the law of the land, then you know I have the right to retribution.”

  Stone Cold clenched his jaw so tightly Boone wondered how he didn’t crack it. He tried to apply pressure to the handshake, but Boone gave an equal amount, if not more so. No way was Boone backing down from this asshole.

  “I told you Vicious went rogue. You’re going to need my help in wrangling him.”

  Boone sneered and squeezed the fingers hard enough to see a slight wince on the other man’s face before he let go.

  Stone Cold flexed his hand. “Vicious called me last night,” he said. “Drunk, babbling about how he’d found the mother lode. How he was going to bring your club down if it was the last thing he did. Now, I wasn’t lying when I said I’d like a business arrangement with the Men of Hell, and seeing my future business partners die because of one of my men doesn’t sit right with me, even if he was voted out.”

  “So you want to help out of the generosity of your heart? I don’t think so. What else?”

  Stone Cold’s gaze darted to the duffel Gabby was currently stuffing into his saddlebag.

  Boone snorted derisively. “So you want a slice of what’s inside.”

  “No,” Stone Cold said. “Vicious said a mother lode. You think I’m too foolish not to realize that a hundred grand has to be the tip of the iceberg?”

  “You know nothing,” Boone stressed.

  Stone Cold grabbed Boone’s upper arm. “I could kill you easily and simply take the money.”

  “Is that the immediate answer of the Whiskey Knights?” Gabby asked. His hand hovered over the butt of his gun. “Simply take what you can’t have? You sure seem to have bred that into your men.”

  Boone held up a hand
to hold him back.

  “On second thought, the Men of Hell aren’t for sale. Thanks for your hospitality but don’t bother waiting for a phone call.”

  He broke the grip on his arm and moved toward his bike.

  “Don’t be a fool! Our clubs could rule Nebraska.”

  Boone straddled his bike and saw out of the corner of his eye that Gabby had done the same thing. Kaiya wrapped her arms around him as he glared at Stone Cold.

  “If ruling Nebraska means ruling it with the Knights, I think I’ll pass,” he said coldly.

  He made a come-along gesture with his fingers to Gabby then punched his bike into gear. They roared down the road without looking back.

  Chapter Seventeen

  They crossed into South Dakota and wasted no time in making a beeline for the Sioux City Downtown Bus Depot. The key to the last locker burned a hole in Kaiya’s pocket and she couldn’t wait to put this scavenger hunt behind her. If there was one thing she’d learned on this trip, it was that she was in love—with both Gabby and Boone. When she’d first learned about Chloe’s relationship with Dax and Romeo, it had surprised her. Sure, Chloe had always been a bit wild. Killing one’s mother tended to make a person go off the deep end. But she’d found a semblance of calmness being with the Men of Hell, and Kaiya longed for the same thing. Her problems were nowhere near the level that Chloe had dealt with, obviously, but that didn’t diminish her own need for a place to belong.

  Her ass was getting used to the vibration of the motorcycle. She tightened her arms around Boone, hugging him, and was rewarded with a pat on her hand. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Gabby cruising along, goggles covering his face and the long strands of his hair whipping under the edge of his helmet. He smiled and gave her a wave. Excitement flared to life within her. Once they got the money from the locker, she had a vision of them spending the rest of the day in bed together, all three of them living out one of her deepest fantasies. She wanted to be owned and possessed by both of them, at the same time. Taken in one of the most primitive and raw ways a woman could be taken. The thoughts sent a jolt of pleasure directly to her center and she clenched her pussy in a mock Kegel imitation. It didn’t ease the desire flooding through her and the bike’s pulsing between her thighs wasn’t helping her sexual high at all.